Born: January 15,1929
Died: April 4,1968
Some Importat Facts: Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who taught civil rights. Martin did many things that help America for example Martin gave
his famous speach a I Have A Dream Speach and before that on the same day Martin led the March on Washingtion. In 1948 he became a minister like is father and grandfather.
In 1955 a women named Rosa Park got arrested because she refused to get out of her seat so a white man can sit in the seat. Martin knew he had to do something and he did. He told all black people to don't ride the buses and over a blillion people listen to Martin only a few black people ride the bus. In 1968 Martin went to Tennese but sudenly when Martin got out of the hotel he got assissanated. His killer was James Earl Ray.Even do he was 39 when he died
Martin change a lot things in America and gave peace to every one.
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