Monday, February 16, 2009

Martha Washingtion

Name: Martha Washingtion

Born: June 2, 1731

Died: May 22, 1802

Some Intresting Facts: Martha Washingtion was the wife of the 1st president George Washingtion. She was the only first lady to never live in the White House.

Martha Washingtion

Sarah Palin

Name: Sarah Palin

Born: February 11, 1964

Died still alive

Some Intresting Facts: Sarah Palin was 11th Govener of Alaska. Palin was elected John McCain running mate in 2008. She was a Republican Vice -
President but she lost to president Barack Hussain Obama and vice president Joe R. Biden.

Mary Todd Lincoln

Name: Marry Todd Linclon
Born: December 13,1818
Died: July 16, 1882
Some Intresting Facts: Marry Todd Linclon was the wife of the 16th president Abraham Lincoln.

Larua Bush

Name: Laura Bush

Born: November 4, 1946

Died: still alive

Some Intresting Facts : Laura Bush was the wife of the 43rd president George W. Bush she was preceded by Hillary Clinton and succeeded by Michelle Obama. Larua was a teacher she read books to children.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Michelle Obama

Name: Michelle Obama
Born: January 17, 1964
Died: stiil alive
Some intresrting facts : Michelle Obama was the first African-American first lady of america. Michelle was the wife of the 44th president of the united states of america Barack Hussain Obama.

Joe R. Biden

Name: Joe R. Biden

Born: November 20, 1942

Died: still alive

Some Intresting Facts Joesph R. Biden was the 47th vice president. He was elected Obama's runingmate
in 2008 .

Hillary Clinton

Name : Hillary Clinton
Born: October 26, 1947
Died: still alive
Some Intresting Facts: Hillary Clinton was the wife the 42 president Bill Clinton. Hillary ran for president! The frist lady to ever run for preisdent.
Hillary ran for a Democratic president. If Hillary got elected president she would be the first lady elected president.

John McCain

Name: John McCain

Born: August 29, 1936

Died: still alive

Some Intresting Facts : John McCain ran for president as a republican
in 2008 and he lost. He lost to Barack Hussain Obama. His running mate was Sarah Palin . If McCain was elected president he would benn the oldest president ever elected he was 72 when he started running. But the oldest president so far was president Ronald Wilson Regan he was 69 when he started runing for president.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paul Revere

Name: Paul Revere
Born: December 22,1734
Died: May 10, 1818
Some Intresting Facts: Paul Revere was an american silver smith and a patriot
in the american Revolution. He was glorified after his death. For his role as a
messenger in the battles and his midnight ride are well-known in the United States as a patriotic symbol.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Christopher Columbus

Name: Christopher Columbus
Born: August 25, 1451
Died: May 20.1506
Some Intresting Facts: Christopher
Columbus was the first person to descover America.

Albert Eienstein

Name: Albert Eienstien
Born: March 14,1879
Died: April 18,1955
Some Intresting Facts: Albert Eienstein is best known for his theory. In 1921 won the Nobel Peace Prize like president Jimmy Carther
and Martin Luther King Jr.

Thomas Edison

Name: Thomas Edison
Born: Febuary11,1847
Died October18,1931
Some Important Facts:
Thomas Edison was an american inventor and buisness man who develop many devies. Edisonn was a guest in the white house while Rutherford Bichard Hayes was president.
In 1879 Edison invents the electricity light.

Benjamin Franklin

Name: Benjamin Franklin
Born: January 17, 1706
Died:April 17, 1790
Some Intrestin Facts:
Benjamin Franklin was one of the fathers of the United States of America. A note polymath Franklin
was a leading author, printer satirist, politcal theorist, scintest, inventor, civic activist stutesman.

Mahantma Gadhi

Name: Mahatma Gandhi

Born: October 2, 1869

Died: January 30, 1948

Some Important Facts: Mahantma
Gandhi was someone like Dr. King
but he was fighting for India.

Ruby Bridges

Name: Ruby Bridges
Born: September 8, 1954
Died: still alive.
Some Important
Facts: Ruby was the first african american child to go to a all white school. When Ruby went to school it wasen't
easy people called her names and bad words when she went into the school building.
Students mothers won't let them in school for a long. Ruby change all of that a couple of months later by praying to God.

Jackie Robison

Name: Jackie Robison

Name: Jackie Robinson

Born January 31,1919

Died: October 24,1972

Some Important Facts: Jackie Robinson was the first african american baseball player. Like Martin Luther King Jr. people won't let black people go to the same school, not allowed in the same resturants , and not allowed
in the same bathroom! This is called segragration. Somethimes when Jackie played baseball some people yelled out and said boooo
but Jackie agnore them.

Walt Disney

Name: Walt Disney
Born: December 5, 1901
Died: December 15,1966
Some Intresting Facts: A lot off people know the channal Disney Channel well Walt Disney was the man who created Pinoccio,
Cideralla, Lion King, Toy Story, even Mickey Mouse. In 1928 Walt Disney created their very first cartoon with sound Mickey Mouse.
People started to love Micke Mouse so they started to put in theathers they some more charcter anthor mouse Miny,two ducks Donald and Daisy, and the two dogs Pluto and Goofy.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Born: January 15,1929

Died: April 4,1968

Some Importat Facts: Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who taught civil rights. Martin did many things that help America for example Martin gave

his famous speach a I Have A Dream Speach and before that on the same day Martin led the March on Washingtion. In 1948 he became a minister like is father and grandfather.

In 1955 a women named Rosa Park got arrested because she refused to get out of her seat so a white man can sit in the seat. Martin knew he had to do something and he did. He told all black people to don't ride the buses and over a blillion people listen to Martin only a few black people ride the bus. In 1968 Martin went to Tennese but sudenly when Martin got out of the hotel he got assissanated. His killer was James Earl Ray.Even do he was 39 when he died

Martin change a lot things in America and gave peace to every one.