Monday, February 16, 2009

Martha Washingtion

Name: Martha Washingtion

Born: June 2, 1731

Died: May 22, 1802

Some Intresting Facts: Martha Washingtion was the wife of the 1st president George Washingtion. She was the only first lady to never live in the White House.

Martha Washingtion

Sarah Palin

Name: Sarah Palin

Born: February 11, 1964

Died still alive

Some Intresting Facts: Sarah Palin was 11th Govener of Alaska. Palin was elected John McCain running mate in 2008. She was a Republican Vice -
President but she lost to president Barack Hussain Obama and vice president Joe R. Biden.

Mary Todd Lincoln

Name: Marry Todd Linclon
Born: December 13,1818
Died: July 16, 1882
Some Intresting Facts: Marry Todd Linclon was the wife of the 16th president Abraham Lincoln.

Larua Bush

Name: Laura Bush

Born: November 4, 1946

Died: still alive

Some Intresting Facts : Laura Bush was the wife of the 43rd president George W. Bush she was preceded by Hillary Clinton and succeeded by Michelle Obama. Larua was a teacher she read books to children.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Michelle Obama

Name: Michelle Obama
Born: January 17, 1964
Died: stiil alive
Some intresrting facts : Michelle Obama was the first African-American first lady of america. Michelle was the wife of the 44th president of the united states of america Barack Hussain Obama.

Joe R. Biden

Name: Joe R. Biden

Born: November 20, 1942

Died: still alive

Some Intresting Facts Joesph R. Biden was the 47th vice president. He was elected Obama's runingmate
in 2008 .